TEAM_1 "the KITE of Bratislava"

The name - Kite of Bratislava - was chosen because of similar characteristics of our proposal, similar shape and parallel philosophy with this favourite toy. We wanted to split the cultural and social life space into various heights and its zones above the ground level, so you would be able to dine and also look at whole Bratislava from the highest point and also stay at the bottom, spending some time in clubs, market, or sitting on public space and watch everyday life, or simply pass through underneath the Kite wherever you want to go.

Then, we needed to find the form for this to be realized, so we had an idea of parametrically structure, created of composition of planes that are changing its sloping towards both rising above the surrounding buildings and also gradually rotate within the site. Among the others, the advantage of the structure is in dividing the interior and exterior zones variously, asymmetrically to functional parts accessible by the ramp, shaped flowing continuously in and out of building, intertwining towards rising of structure.

The third of main ideas was to bring the freedom to the place that had been so enclosed to the public, so we erased whole original building. Now, as an answer to the lack of green spots with trees and facilities for leisure time, we created an idea of something as meadow in the centre of city. The modern construction and technology including functions like exhibitions, workshops or restaurants would be coated with form, green as the nature is, so after the dinner, one can find some rest walking among our 'city meadow'. In conclusion, when we combine all these three ideas, we get something that is free, that flies in the air, that changes the direction of its movement according to blowing of the wind (constant change that takes place in lifes of all people we can't predict).

These parallels brought us to one simple word - Kite.

Team members:

  • Özge Hazer (Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Larisa Ecimović (Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Zuzana Krajčiová (Bratislava, Slovakia)
  • Richard Szilvássy (Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • Partner of the internet voting